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Industrial mechanic apprenticeship

Your future – Our future

We frequently train young people to become industrial mechanics in the area of precision engineering. Industrial mechanics are involved in the set up, retrofitting and maintenance of production machines, as well as the manufacture of devices. For us as a manufacturing company, our production machines are of utmost importance. It is for this reason that we train in industrial mechanics so that in the future we have employees who can set up, upgrade and maintain our machines and also manufacture our electro-technical devices.

Your opportunity – our offer

We offer high-quality, varied and academically-sound professional training by means of our experienced trainers. We provide suitable apprentices with the opportunity to follow an additional qualification programme "Skilled electricians for specific tasks."
If you prove yourself during the apprenticeship, make a good impression on us and you finish the apprenticeship successfully, new windows of opportunity may open for you in our company.

Your strengths – Our expectations

You are interested in technology and metal processing. You are practically minded and skilled when working with handicraft activities. You plan to complete Realschule, Hauptschule [secondary schools in Germany] or Werkrealeschule [German vocational school] and are able to present good reports from your 8th or 9th academic year. You have a good grasp of mathematics, technology and physics. You are motivated and ready to do your very best.

Your opportunity – Our job advertisement

Have we roused your interest and does the above description apply to you? If so, make sure to apply for the training opportunity posted below by sending us your completed application documents. Your completed documents should include a cover letter, your completed CV and two of your latest certificates.

Your opportunity – Our job advertisement

Have we roused your interest and does the above description apply to you? If so, make sure to apply for the training opportunity posted below by sending us your completed application documents. Your completed documents should include a cover letter, your completed CV and two of your latest certificates.

Contact person

Julia Horn
General Manager


 +49 (0) 71 44 81 00-37
 +49 (0) 71 44 81 00-23


Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 61
71711 Murr